
Djibril Diop Mambéty, Senegal, Switzerland, France, 1992o


After being kicked out of her African village three decades earlier for getting pregnant out of wedlock, Linguere has returned home. While Linguere has done well for herself, her home village has fallen on hard economic times. Intent on punishing Dramaan, the man who fathered her child but refused to own up to the act, Linguere makes a proposal: She will help the town financially, if the locals agree to execute Dramaan.

Was die meisten als Dürrenmatts schweizerischen «Besuch der alten Dame» erkennen werden, hat Djibril Diop Mambéty in die Sahelzone verlegt. Dabei steht dieser Film, «eine Hommage an die Frauen, die Opfer, die Verletzten» (Mambéty, zit. nach: Zoom 11/92), seiner literarischen Vorlage in nichts nach. Dürrenmatts Korruptions- und Schuld-Verhandlung fügt Mambéty Konsumkritik bei und entlarvt bildgewaltig die Strukturen des Neokolonialismus.

Sarah Schwedes


Movie Datao

Other titles
Hyenas EN
Drama, Comedy
Running time
110 Min.
Original languages
French, Japanese, Wolof
ØYour rating7.4/10
IMDB user:
7.4 (1416)
< 3 votes
< 3 votes

Cast & Crewo

Djibril Diop MambétyThe judge
Mansour DioufDramaan
Ami DiakhateLinguere Ramatou
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