The Draughtsman's Contract

Peter Greenaway, UK, 1982o


Peter Greenaway's first fiction feature (after the mock-documentary The Falls) made him immediately famous and was named one of the most original films of the 1980s by British critics. The action is set in the director's beloved 17th century. Ambitious young artist Mr. Neville (Anthony Higgins) is invited by Mrs. Herbert (Janet Suzman) to make 12 elaborate sketches of her estate. Besides money, the contract includes sexual favors that Mrs. Herbert will offer to the draughtsman in the absence of Mr. Herbert. Entirely confident in his ability to weave a web of intrigues, Mr. Neville eventually becomes a victim of someone else's elaborate scheme. The film is structured as a sophisticated intellectual puzzle like the ones popular in the 17th century.


Movie Datao

Other titles
Der Kontrakt des Zeichners DE
Meurtre dans un jardin anglais FR
Comedy, Mystery, Romance
Running time
103 Min.
Original languages
Dutch, English, German
ØYour rating7.2/10
IMDB user:
7.2 (11005)
< 10 votes
< 3 votes

Cast & Crewo

Anthony HigginsMr. Neville
Janet SuzmanMrs. Herbert
Anne-Louise LambertMrs. Talmann
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