Nos batailles

Guillaume Senez, Belgium, France, 2018o


A Belgian Amazon-style mail order company: Foreman Olivier has weight in the company as a trade union representative and is as married to his job as he is to his wife Laura, who is on the brink of depression. When Laura unexpectedly disappears, Olivier has to reorganize life between work and his two children of primary school age. His sister steps in and a colleague makes advances, but the crisis also reveals his weaknesses.

In francophone cinema, the now 40-year-old Belgian Guillaume Senez has been regarded as a newcomer with potential since his debut Keeper (2015). With this second long film he fully lives up to these hopes. Nos batailles is strong socio-critical cinema in the tradition of a Ken Loach or the Dardenne brothers. Similar to the recent Les invisibles, Senez works with amateurs, professional actors and his one star Romain Duris so intensively that they becomes a unified ensemble full of nuances. Another strong point is the honest drawing of the main character, a classical working class hero, who fights tirelessly for his protégés, but also acts stubbornly and tends to make dramatic appearances. Senez says bluntly that he has brought elements from his own divorce history into the character of Olivier, and with his unvarnished portrait he confirms the tendency towards quiet complacency and loud hysteria that men in contemporary French cinema like to display. A little more British imperturbability and self-irony, dear fellow Gauls, would do no harm.

Andreas Furler

Die Szenen sind lebensecht geschrieben und vorzüglich gespielt von Romain Duris und den zwei Kinderdarstellern. Regisseur Senez schöpft aus seinen Erfahrungen als geschiedener Vater. Allerdings ist es etwas nervig, dass er nur die Sicht des Vaters zeigt und die der Mutter völlig ignoriert.

Murièle Weber

Le résultat est saisissant: la justesse de la vie au quotidien, la sincérité des répliques, le naturel des acteurs (tous formidables) nous mettent au plus près des petits bonheurs et des grands désarrois d'un ouvrier syndiqué qui s'occupe davantage des problèmes de ses collègues que de sa vie de famille.

Barbara Théate

Pour son deuxième long métrage (après Keeper, 2015), Guillaume Senez fait plus que remplir une promesse, il affirme un style et un tempérament. À partir d’un thème intimiste et social, il se livre à une dissection des rapports humains qui repose sur un hallucinant travail avec ses acteurs, qu’ils soient stars, comédiens réputés ou non professionnels.

Jean-Dominique Nuttens


The Hollywood Reporter, 5/12/2018
All rights reserved The Hollywood Reporter. Provided by The Hollywood Reporter Archiv
Slate, 12/23/2018
All rights reserved Slate. Provided by Slate Archiv
Institute for Family Studies, 12/4/2017
All rights reserved Institute for Family Studies. Provided by Institute for Family Studies Archiv
All rights reserved Filmbulletin. Provided by Filmbulletin Archiv
Le Monde, 10/2/2018
All rights reserved Le Monde. Provided by Le Monde Archiv
àVoir-àLire, 9/30/2018
All rights reserved àVoir-àLire. Provided by àVoir-àLire Archiv
Interview with director Guillaume Senez (English subtitles)
/ La Semaine de la Critique
fr / 5/13/2018 / 6‘41‘‘

Interview with Romain Duris
/ Minky Productions
fr / 5/15/2018 / 10‘29‘‘

Portrait et interview de Romain Duris
/ Entrée libre
fr / 9/24/2018 / 11‘34‘‘

Videokritik "Nos batailles"
Cynthia Ringgenberg / SRF
de / 5/2/2019 / 1‘51‘‘

Movie Datao

Other titles
Our Struggles EN
Running time
98 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating6.8/10
IMDB user:
6.7 (1684)
6.9 (7)
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Romain DurisOlivier Vallet
Basile GrunbergerElliot Vallet
Lena Girard VossRose Vallet


Interview with director Guillaume Senez (English subtitles)
La Semaine de la Critique, fr , 6‘41‘‘
Interview with Romain Duris
Minky Productions, fr , 10‘29‘‘
Portrait et interview de Romain Duris
Entrée libre, fr , 11‘34‘‘
Videokritik "Nos batailles"
SRF, de , 1‘51‘‘
Review The Hollywood Reporter
Boyd van Hoeij
On Single Fathers in Film
Slate / Jessica Stolzberg
Single-father-parenting in the U.S.
Institute for Family Studies / Alyse ElHague
Review Filmbulletin
Philipp Stadelmaier
Review Le Monde
Clarisse Fabre
Review àVoir-àLire
Claudine Levanneur
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