Pippi in Taka-Tuka-Land
Olle Hellbom, Germany, Sweden, 1970o
Pippi in the South Seas (original title is Pippi Långstrump på de sju haven) is a 1970 film, based on the eponymous children's books by Astrid Lindgren with the cast of the 1969 TV series. Pippi, with friends Tommy and Annika, adventures on the South Seas to hunt for her father, who has been kidnapped by pirates.

Movie Datao
Original title
Pippi Långstrump på de sju haven
Other titles
Fifi Brindacier chez les pirates FR
Pippi in the South Seas EN
Adventure, Children/Family
Running time
86 Min.
Original language
Swedish Ratings
Cast & Crewo
Inger NilssonPippi Långstrump
Pär SundbergTommy Settergren
Maria PerssonAnnika Settergren