Terry Gilliam, UK, 1985o
Brazil is a Terry Gilliam dystopic black comedy film that reflects the melancholy, dreamlike quality of a famous Brazilian song that’s been translated into English. The film parodies the mostly dysfunctional bureaucratic world we live in and takes us to a post-apocalyptic world in the future yet with our present day attitudes in mind.
The sarcastic, sardonic dialogue is unbelievably clever, with contrary conversations bursting with mockery; the editing features splendidly contradictory cuts from scene to scene and constant, brilliant juxtapositions; and triumphant orchestral music plays upon the melody of Ary Barroso’s lively, peppy song ‹Brazil›, which becomes ironic symbolism for the lighthearted approach to dark themes. Hilariously comedic science-fiction noir, “Brazil” is perhaps best described as the funny version of “1984” meets “Blade Runner.” It’s furthermore tinged with destructive adventure, bold fantasy, and a fantastically powerful conclusion, and features an elite cast of masterful character actors set against an uproarious satire of bureaucracy, technology, society, and humanity that proves to be one of the greatest movies of all time, sci-fi or otherwise.
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