Ivana cea Groaznica

Ivana Mladenović, Romania, Serbia, 2019o


Ivana invites friends, family and former lovers to play themselves in a scripted version of the story of a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown. On the Danube border, drama becomes a comedy.

Ivana Mladenović writes, directs and stars in the biting and acerbic comedy Ivana the Terrible, which features her real family and takes place in her hometown of Kladovo. Ivana shakes up her little world in this fictional autobiography where anxiety goes hand in hand with eccentricity, love travels as fast as insults and notable people are ridiculous and sensitive to poetry in equal measure.

Victor Bournérias


Movie Datao

Other titles
Ivana the Terrible DE
Ivana the Terrible FR
Ivana the Terrible EN
Drama, Comedy
Running time
86 Min.
Original languages
Romanian, Serbian
ØYour rating6.1/10
IMDB user:
6.1 (401)
< 10 votes
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Ivana Mladenović
Gordana Mladenović
Luka Gramić
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