The Departed

Martin Scorsese, Hong Kong SAR China, USA, 2006o


Boston mobster Costello has planted one of his most loyal men in the city's police department, keeping him in the loop about the cops' planned activities. What the Godfather doesn't know is that police chief Queenan and his lead investigator have also planted a mole with Costello, who has gradually worked his way up to become his closest confidant. When both the Mafia and the police learn that there is a traitor in their ranks, it becomes a matter of survival for the two moles as to which one will be exposed first.

Ich glaube, Scorsese hat in diesem Hongkong-Film sofort erkannt, dass die Geschichte, auf einer unterschwelligen Ebene, zwei Aspekte seiner Kunst und seiner Psyche gleichermassen in den Brennpunkt rückt. Wir wissen, dass auch er von Gangstern fasziniert war. Indem er so viele Filme über sie gemacht hat, über das, was er beim Heranwachsen in Little Italy gesehen und erfahren hat, und dank seiner Erkenntnisse über ihr Wesen, ist auch er in gewisser Weise ein Informant geworden.

Roger Ebert


Movie Datao

Other titles
Departed - Unter Feinden DE
Les Infiltrés FR
Drama, Crime/Thriller
Running time
151 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating8.5/10
IMDB user:
8.5 (1475970)
< 3 votes
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Leonardo DiCaprioWilliam "Billy" Costigan, Jr.
Matt DamonStaff Sgt. Colin Sullivan
Jack NicholsonFrancis "Frank" Costello
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