The King of Staten Island

Judd Apatow, USA, 2020o


Scott has been a case of arrested development ever since his firefighter father died when he was seven. He’s now reached his mid-20s having achieved little and chasing a dream of becoming a tattoo artist that seems far out of reach. As his ambitious younger sister heads off to college, Scott is still living at home and spends his days smoking weed and hanging out with his friends. But when his mother starts dating a loudmouth firefighter, it sets off a chain of events that will force Scott to take his first steps toward taking responsibility for his life.

Judd Apatow erzählt sanft fiktionalisiert die Geschichte des Comedy-Nachwuchsstars Pete Davidson, eine Tragikomödie aus den urbanen Untiefen der amerikanischen Gegenwart, und vielleicht der schönste Film dieses merkwürdigen Kinosommers.

David Steinitz

Le roi de la comédie US signe une comédie douce-amère, un film d’apprentissage et le portrait touchant d’un beautiful loser. Si tous les fondamentaux de son cinéma demeurent, il y a ici quelque chose de plus rugueux, à vif.

Jacky Goldberg

Le film aura, au passage, insensible­ment muté en mélodrame freu­dien, échangeant sa forme frag­mentaire et primesautière contre un récit plus programmé et struc­turé, avançant désormais à fortes rasades de bons sentiments vers larédemption du jeune héros. Rien n’empêche d’en être touché, à dé­faut de rester troublé par la singu­larité du personnage.

Jacques Mandelbaum

Une de ces comédies douces-amères où Judd Apatow excelle.

Marie Sauvion


Movie Datao

Comedy, Drama
Running time
137 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating7.1/10
IMDB user:
7.1 (78794)
< 3 votes
< 3 votes

Cast & Crewo

Pete DavidsonScott Carlin
Marisa TomeiMargie Carlin
Bill BurrRay Bishop
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