She Said

Maria Schrader, USA, 2022o


Journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey are working at The New York Times in 2015, investigating allegations of sexual misconduct by successful film producer and shirt-sleeve Miramax boss Harvey Weinstein. In painstaking, often frustrating legwork, they uncover a multitude of sexual abuses and, around them, a whole web of lies and cover-ups.

It doesn't get more sober than this: German actress and director Maria Schrader restages the months-long, meticulous research work of New York Times journalists Judy Kantor and Megan Twohey, who made a decisive contribution to the fall of film producer Harvey Weinstein after decades of sexual abuse and its cover-up with threats and hush money. It's not spectacular, but it's all the more revealing because it gradually brings to light the whole system that put the fog of denial and silence over the Weinstein case, keeping the victims from mutual solidarity and cooperation by means of isolation. Ronan Farrow's parallel research for the weekly magazine "The New Yorker" is mentioned several times, but the film does not quite truthfully give the credits for starting the MeToo movement exclusively to its two heroines.

Andreas Furler

Sobre et minutieux, le beau film choral de Maria Schrader retrace l’enquête du «New York Times» sur les accusations de viols et d’agressions sexuelles d’Harvey Weinstein. Troublante expérience d’hyperréalisme, sans quête de sensationnel, il donne à voir la solitude des victimes qui sortent du silence, juste avant la tempête #MeToo.

Camille Nevers


Movie Datao

Running time
129 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating7.2/10
IMDB user:
7.2 (29279)
< 10 votes
< 3 votes

Cast & Crewo

Zoe KazanJodi Kantor
Carey MulliganMegan Twohey
Patricia ClarksonRebecca Corbett
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