Lars Eidinger – Sein oder nicht Sein
Reiner Holzemer, Germany, 2022o
Born in 1976, German actor Lars Eidinger is an obsessive of his profession who throws himself wholeheartedly into his roles, but can thus also become an imposition for his directors and partners. In his portrait, Reiner Holzemer traces the path of the stage and film star from his Berlin school and sports years, to the Schaubühne productions with Thomas Ostermeier, to the title role as Jedermann at the Salzburg Festival, alongside Eidinger's international film and series career. He pays particular attention to the risks and finesses of the acting craft.
Born in 1976, German actor Lars Eidinger is what they call in French a "monstre sacré": an obsessive and master of his craft who throws himself wholeheartedly into his roles and can mutate into a pain in the ass with his holy fire. In his portrait, Eidinger's compatriot Reiner Holzemer traces the path of the German stage and international film star from his Berlin school and sports years to the mime cadre school Ernst Busch and the sensational Schaubühne productions with Thomas Ostermeier to the title role as Jedermann at the 2021 Salzburg Festival. Of course, in addition to the theatre career, Eidinger's film and series career alongside Nina Hoss (Sisterlein), Juliette Binoche (Sils Maria) and Isabelle Huppert also come up, including obligatory hymns by the French divas to their German partner. Through it all, however, Holzemer keeps a pleasant distance from the object of his curiosity - even a scene in which Eidinger displays acute airs and graces during rehearsals for Jedermann survived the cut - but above all, the documentarian has a genuine interest in and understanding of the actor's craft, who must expose himself incessantly and call up a wide range of emotions in a matter of seconds. Not only a great film for Eidinger fans, but also an eye-opener for anyone who wants to learn essentials about the art of acting.
Andreas FurlerGalleryo