Le retour du grand blond

Yves Robert, France, 1974o


In the agent film parody Le grand blond avec une chaussure noire, a faction of the French secret service stylizes a clueless violinist into a super agent in order to lead a rival faction up the garden path - without the hotly contested victim ever finding out about his fate. In the follow-up film, "the tall blonde" is forced to actively collaborate with the government's dark men when his loved one is kidnapped. He has to change his face depending on the constellation, sometimes playing the new 007, sometimes the opposite, which leads to hopeless confusion in his environment.

After the huge success of the agent film parody Le grand blond avec une chaussure noire, a follow-up film had to be made, but the formula of a harmless violinist being stylized as a super agent by rival secret service factions and fought over accordingly, without him ever noticing, could not be squeezed out any further. So in Part II of the higher silliness, the tall blonde (Pierre Richard) soon learns of his evil fate and is forced to actively mime the imperturbable super agent after the government darkies have kidnapped his sweetheart. Naturally, this is not as funny as the ludicrous constellation of part 1, but it does give Yes Robert and his tried-and-tested cast the opportunity to take the 007 pattern and soundtrack for a ride. The funniest part is the hopeless confusion that the big blond's situational role changes cause for friend and foe alike.

Andreas Furler


Spiegel Online, 5/9/2002
All rights reserved Spiegel Online. Provided by Spiegel Online Archiv
All rights reserved Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Provided by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Archiv

Movie Datao

Other titles
Der große Blonde kehrt zurück DE
The Return of the Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe EN
Running time
84 Min.
Original languages
French, Italian
ØYour rating6.6/10
IMDB user:
6.6 (4222)
< 3 votes
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Pierre RichardFrançois Perrin
Jean CarmetMaurice Lefebvre
Jean RochefortColonel Louis, Marie, Alphonse Toulouse


Nachruf auf Yves Robert
Spiegel Online / nn
Gespräch mit Pierre Richard
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung / Niklas Maak
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