
Cristian Mungiu, Romania, 2022o


Shortly before Christmas, Matthias returns from Germany to his Romanian home village to take more care of his angst-ridden young son and his elderly father. He also wants to see his ex-girlfriend Csilla again, who now runs a small factory. When new workers from Sri Lanka are to be hired there, the supposedly peaceful village is thrown into turmoil: why bring in foreigners when the locals already have too little work?

What do we expect from cinema? That it gives us news of the world, at least, for those who no longer watch television. Romanian filmmaker Cristian Mungiu (winner of the 2007 Cannes Palme d'Or for 4 months, 3 weeks, 2 days) gets the message loud and clear in R.M.N., which takes the pulse of contemporary Europe. The setting: a multi-ethnic village in Transylvania. The characters: a worker who has fled his job in Germany, the assistant of a company director about to hire two Sri Lankan employees, a Frenchman commissioned by the European Union to study the biodiversity of Romania's forests. The context: today's neoliberal Europe and the identity movements that are proliferating across the continent. The final scene - a village assembly, where the fate of the Sri Lankan workers is decided - is filmed in such masterly single shot that we are left to wonder whether, after all, cinema is still the best language in which to speak about reality.

Émilien Gür

R.M.N. est une œuvre complexe et politique, qui entre en résonance avec son temps et pousse le spectateur à s’interroger et prendre part aux grands enjeux de notre époque.

Léo Ortuno

En donnant naissance à une famille décomposée au cœur d’un village de la Transylvanie, Cristian Mungiu décrit avec force la déchirure d’un pays qui s’abandonne au racisme et au nationalisme. Un film sidérant.

Laurent Cambon

Avec son naturalisme qui parfois tutoie l’étrange, voire le fantastique, ses dialogues brillamment écrits et son interprétation convaincante, la fable sociale sombre et complexe que Cristian Mungiu signe s’avère une fascinante expérience.

Baptiste Thion


rogerebert.com, 4/27/2023
All rights reserved rogerebert.com. Provided by rogerebert.com Archiv
Variety, 5/20/2022
All rights reserved Variety. Provided by Variety Archiv
sennhausersfilmblog.ch, 5/21/2022
All rights reserved sennhausersfilmblog.ch. Provided by sennhausersfilmblog.ch Archiv
outnow.ch, 5/22/2022
All rights reserved outnow.ch. Provided by outnow.ch Archiv
Les Echos, 10/18/2022
All rights reserved Les Echos. Provided by Les Echos Archiv
Ecran Large, 10/17/2022
All rights reserved Ecran Large. Provided by Ecran Large Archiv
Bande à Part, 10/17/2022
All rights reserved Bande à Part. Provided by Bande à Part Archiv
Cristian Mungiu on R.M.N.
/ Film at Lincoln Center
en / 10/12/2022 / 23‘17‘‘

Cristian Mungiu’s Closet Picks
/ The Criterion Collection
en / 7/10/2018 / 05‘46‘‘

Movie Datao

Running time
125 Min.
Original languages
English, Romanian, Sinhala, Hungarian, German
ØYour rating7.2/10
IMDB user:
7.2 (5635)
< 10 votes
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Marin GrigoreMatthias
Judith StateCsilla
Macrina BârlădeanuAna


Cristian Mungiu on R.M.N.
Film at Lincoln Center, en , 23‘17‘‘
Cristian Mungiu’s Closet Picks
The Criterion Collection, en , 05‘46‘‘
Review rogerebert.com
Brian Tallerico
Review Variety
Jessica Kiang
Review sennhausersfilmblog.ch
Review outnow.ch
Simon Eberhard
Review Les Echos
Olivier De Bruyn
Review Ecran Large
Simon Riaux
Entretien avec Cristian Mungiu, réalisateur de R.M.N.
Bande à Part / Léo Ortuno
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