Adieu à l'Afrique
Pierre-Alain Meier, Switzerland, 2017o
In 2009, the bodies of a dozen migrants, who had been trying to reach Europe via the Canary Islands, were washed up by ocean currents onto a beach in Mauritania. Among these bodies was that of a young white woman. What drove the woman to get on the boat with the migrants that was supposed to bring them from Senegal to Europe? Eight years after this tragedy, Pierre-Alain Meier travels to Senegal in the hope of understanding the history of this shipwreck.
Die Frage liess Pierre-Alain Meier nicht los. Der Jurassier, der zuletzt Markus Imhoofs Flüchtlingsdrama «Eldorado» produzierte, reiste in den Senegal, um die Geschichte der Frau nachzuspüren. Dabei reflektiert der Vater dreier adoptierter, dunkelhäutiger Kinder auch sein eigenes Leben und Schaffen – einfühlsam im Persönlichen, unaufdringlich im Politischen.
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