Scener ur ett äktenskap

Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1973o


Ten years of Marianne and Johan's relationship are presented. We first meet them ten years into their marriage. He is a college professor, she a divorce lawyer. They say that they are happily married - unlike their friends Katarina and Peter who openly fight, especially when under the influence of alcohol - but there is a certain detached aloofness in the way they treat each other. In the next ten years, as they contemplate or embark upon divorce and/or known extramarital affairs, they come to differing understandings at each phase of their relationship of what they truly mean to each other. Regardless of if it's love or hate - between which there is a fine line - they also come to certain understandings of how they can best relate to each other, whether that be as husband and wife, friends, lovers or none of the above.

Ingmar Bergmans grösster Erfolg war ursprünglich eine Fernsehserie in sechs Teilen: Szenen einer Ehe schildert das harmonische Leben des Ehepaars Marianne und Johan, wie es sich zu Beginn der Reporterin einer Frauenzeitschrift darstellt, über dessen traumatischen Zerfall wegen der Affäre von Johan mit einer Studentin bis zu einem Wiedersehen der jeweils neu Verheirateten zehn Jahre nach ihrer Scheidung.

Bert Rebhandl


Movie Datao

Other titles
Szenen einer Ehe DE
Scènes de la vie conjugale FR
Scenes from a Marriage EN
Drama, Romance
Running time
169 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating8.5/10
IMDB user:
8.5 (17428)
< 10 votes
< 3 votes

Cast & Crewo

Liv UllmannMarianne
Erland JosephsonJohan
Bibi AnderssonKatarina
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