Match Point

Woody Allen, Ireland, Luxembourg, Russia, UK, USA, 2005o


Chris Wilton is young, good-looking and ambitious. The big tennis career has not worked out and so he now earns his living as a tennis instructor in a fancy London club. When he meets the wealthy snob Tom and his shy sister Chloe, he feels that his big chance has come to give his life a decisive turn for the better.

There is an evident refreshment and restimulation that’s resulted from Allen’s immersion in a new milieu, a rarefied one not often depicted by English filmmakers these days. An assortment of mostly upscale locations provides a sumptuous backdrop that takes on added mood from the consistently gray skies, exemplary lensing by Remi Adefarasin and the overlay of excerpts from Verdi, Rossini, Donizetti, et al.

Todd McCarthy

In Match Point ist die Welt so ungerecht, unerlöst und zynisch, wie Woody Allen sie wohl immer sah, aber keinem zumuten wollte. Allen zeigt Menschen voller Heimtücke und Habgier, ein Dasein ohne Sinn und Moral. Es ist ein harter, gnadenloser Film, sein bester seit Jahren.

Katja Nicodemus


Movie Datao

Drama, Crime/Thriller, Romance
Running time
124 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating7.6/10
IMDB user:
7.6 (232886)
< 3 votes
< 3 votes

Cast & Crewo

Jonathan Rhys MeyersChris Wilton
Scarlett JohanssonNola Rice
Emily MortimerChloe Hewett Wilton
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