Yin ru chen yan
Li Ruijun, China, 2022o
Ma and Guiying lead lives that are similarly sheltered and difficult. He is a reticent farmer, the last of his family to remain unmarried; she is disabled and infertile, and long past what is considered to be marrying age in rural China. Their arranged marriage, uniting two people who are accustomed to isolation and humiliation, would appear to force them into a relationship that will make life worse for both of them. But instead, they seize the opportunity to rise above themselves and discover their shared destiny.
Sélectionné en compétition au dernier Festival de Berlin, le film du Chinois Li Ruijun ne déçoit pas. Derrière ce récit d’un couple de paysans déshérités qui s’apprivoise se profile un adieu poignant à la terre, non dépourvu de résonances politiques.
Norbert CreutzGalleryo