Un beau matin
Mia Hansen-Løve, France, Germany, 2022o
Sandra lives in a small apartment in Paris with her eight-year-old daughter. She regularly visits her father, Georg, who suffers from a neurodegenerative disease that undermines his capacities day by day. While she embarks with her family on an obstacle course through nursing homes to install Georg in a safe place, Sandra unexpectedly runs into Clément. Although he is not free, a passionate relationship begins.
Mia Hansen-Løve (Eden) manages to reconcile the poles of Sandra's life in a gentle, flowing way: there is the happiness of new love, there is the painful trial of standing by a deficient parent. She and her camera team wonderfully capture the Paris of the most beautiful days, while the soundtrack underlines the tenderness of this beautiful film.
Ondine PerierS’il n’est pas distinctement scindé en deux régimes de représentation comme l’était Bergman Island, ce nouveau film est également organisé en deux pôles. Au bouleversement amoureux s’oppose le deuil d’un père. Un homme arrive et l’autre s’en va.
Bruno DeruisseauMia Hansen-Love capte avec simplicité et délicatesse un moment de la vie dans l’un de ses plus beaux films.
Céline RoudenGalleryo