L’ombre de Goya par Jean-Claude Carrière

José Luis López-Linares, Spain, France, Portugal, 2022o


It is with great emotion that we rediscover the magical langage of the late screenwriter Jean-Claude Carrière, as he researches the painter Goya. An incredible trip through culture, emotion, cinema, painting and Spain.

A journey with Jean-Claude Carrière - writer, screenwriter and friend of Luis Buñuel - through the magical world of the painter Francisco de Goya (1746 - 1828). Carrière goes to Aragon, where both Goya and Buñuel come from, and from inspiring pictorial analyses reveals both the intellectual world at the turn of the 19th century and the socio-political background of the painter. And he shows how Goya has influenced artists of all disciplines, including filmmakers, to this day - among other things, he establishes him as a great forerunner of Surrealism. Perhaps there is one (singing) interview too many at times, but whenever the paintings or Goya's lesser-known but equally impressive etchings come into view, enjoyment is guaranteed.

Till Brockmann

A la fin de sa vie, Jean-Claude Carrière voyage en Espagne sur les traces de Francisco de Goya. Quatre-vingt-dix minutes d'intelligence et un magnifique adieu à la vie.

Adrien Gombeaud

L’écrivain et scénariste, disparu l’an dernier, nous emmène en train sur les terres du peintre espagnol. Et se révèle un guide généreux.

Frédéric Strauss


Variety, 5/19/2022
All rights reserved Variety. Provided by Variety Archiv
Les Inrockuptibles, 9/19/2022
All rights reserved Les Inrockuptibles. Provided by Les Inrockuptibles Archiv
Les Echos, 9/19/2022
All rights reserved Les Echos. Provided by Les Echos Archiv
Jean-Claude Carrière : une heure en tête-à-tête
/ Télérama
fr / 2/26/2020 / 50‘46‘‘

Rencontre avec le producteur Stéphane Sorlat
/ Unipop Pessac
fr / 1/11/2023 / 44‘52‘‘

The Black Paintings by Goya
/ Great Art Explained
en / 10/3/2022 / 16‘53‘‘

Podcast zum Film
From / SRF
de / 30‘56‘‘

Movie Datao

Other titles
Goya, Carriere and the Ghost of Bunuel EN
Running time
90 Min.
Original languages
French, English, Spanish
ØYour rating7.1/10
IMDB user:
7.1 (104)
< 3 votes
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Jean-Claude Carrière
Nahal Tajadod
Julian Schnabel


Jean-Claude Carrière : une heure en tête-à-tête
Télérama, fr , 50‘46‘‘
Rencontre avec le producteur Stéphane Sorlat
Unipop Pessac, fr , 44‘52‘‘
The Black Paintings by Goya
Great Art Explained, en , 16‘53‘‘
Interview with director Jose Luis Lopez Linares
Variety / John Hopewell
Review Les Inrockuptibles
Jean-Baptiste Morain
Review Les Echos
Adrien Gombeaud
Podcast zum Film
SRF / de / 30‘56‘‘
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