Until Tomorrow
Ali Asgari, Iran, France, Qatar, 2022o
Fereshteh works for a print shop in Tehran and has a two-month-old baby that her parents know nothing about. When they announce their visit at short notice, Fereshteh has to find a place for her illegitimate child for one night. Fereshteh's quick-witted friend offers her support, but the subsequent odyssey through the city makes the two of them realize how limited their options are in the rigid Iranian society.
The story of a single young mother in Tehran who is looking for a place for her baby for a single night because the visit of her unsuspecting parents is imminent: Compared to the recently launched thriller Holy Spider, this is again a "classic" Iranian film: From a zero event, the imminent parental visit, a cascade of entanglements ensues - and an unmistakable criticism of the older generation in Iran, which is cutting off the young. Ali Asgari derives all this with economical means and a brilliant leading actress. At the climax of the film, a banal taxi ride, an entire novel plays out on her face, which conclusively leads to the wordless finale. If only cinema would make so much out of so little more often!
Andreas FurlerApproche naturaliste et caméra scotchée à l’héroïne qui rappellent le cinéma roumain ou celui des frères Dardenne, ce film flirterait avec un académisme d’auteur si ses plans-séquences n’étaient aussi révélateurs de la solitude des femmes dans un pays qui nie leur condition.
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